Made in India

The peaceful coexistence of one-fifth of the world’s population having enormous socio, cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity on just 2.4% of the surface of mother earth, is nothing but a miracle. This miracle is INDIA!

Since time immemorial, the wealth of India has attracted invaders from foreign lands. However, it is noteworthy to mention that despite being looted, plundered, and even under foreign reign India had a substantial share (approx. 16%-25%) in international trade. Most of this glorious history was prior to the arrival of the industrial revolution. Over the passage of time, this share in international trade dwindled to around 2%.

In the words of the eminent jurist Sri Nani A. Palkhivala: India is eternal, everlasting. Though the beginnings of her numerous civilizations go so far back in time that they are lost in the twilight of history, she has the gift of perpetual youth. Her culture is ageless and is as relevant to our twentieth century as it was to the twentieth century before Christ.

However, a history of peaceful coexistence, rich cultural and traditional knowledge heritage, extensive biodiversity, robust democracy backed by an independent judiciary, and the largest pool of skilled young human resources make India a very promising destination for investment and business and commerce. The Indian economy was valued by the World Bank at $3.173 trillion in 2021. The World Bank ranked India as the sixth-largest economy in 2021. According to International Monetary Fund (IMF), the economy of Iraq is presently growing the fastest in the world at 9.5%. With a growth rate of 8.2%, India is in the second position in economic growth in May 2022. Further, India has set a very ambitious objective to become a five trillion economy by 2025.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow has emerged as a promising economic growth indicator. Against the US$ 73.45 billion in 2019, India received $83.57 billion in FDI in 2021. Steel and internet-based businesses were the major sectors of interest for the investors. It shows foreign capital interest in infrastructure, building value chains, and entering new markets through digital platforms. As per a report, India’s foreign reserves were US$ 580.272 billion in July 2022.

A comparison of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nation with the present Indian missions and programs reflects India’s commitment to achieving these goals within the desired timelines.





